RM : ¥1.46 | ¥1.46 (For AliPay Top Up)

How to use Ship For Me?


Buy Product

Buy Product from China
  1. You can go to the China's most popular online store to find your favorite products, such as www.taobao.com,www.tmall.com, www.jd.com, www.vancl.com, www.dangdang.com, www.amazon. cn, www.yhd.com, www.yixun.com etc.
  2. Confirm Taobao order details and payment. Delivery address details follow our “Forwarding Address".


Submit Order

Fill in the order information
  1. Select Tab "Ship For Me".
  2. Search for courier details at Taobao order list and fill in courier name and tracking number.
  3. Fill-in the product name & product price (RMB).
  4. "Ship for Me" parcel have no inspection service or check parcel service acquiescently, originally ship with seller packaging. Customer need to remark for fragile item & etc.
  5. Click “Submit” once complete fill in the details.


Receiving Parcel

Pending Parcel Arrive Warehouse
  1. You will get SMS/Email notification once your parcel is arrived.
  2. We will measure your parcel's weight and size.


Arrange Shipping

Arrange Shipping Method
  1. Choose warehouse and your preferred shipping method.
  2. Select your order to be ship, optional to buy insurance for your parcel (Please declare value).
  3. Select or fill in new delivery address. And click "Calculate" button to get total amount.
  4. Click "Confirm" to submit order.
Make Payment
  1. Go to "Pending Payment" tab or "My Prepay".
  2. Click “Pay” with your available credit. Check out how to top up prepay credit?


Receiving Parcel

Receiving Parcel or Collect Yourself
  1. You will get SMS/Email notification once your parcel is shipped.
  2. You can check the status of shipment by clicking the view button.
  3. Go to "My Parcel", select Parcel and Acknowledge with Review.

What is Pending Submission Parcels?

Pending submission parcels is warehouse received goods under your account
  • Step 1 - Login into your taobao/tmall/others account to check your order by matching the tracking number.
  • Step 2 - Click edit to key-in the product name , price & submit.
  • Step 3 - After submit, order will be automatic update the into my parcels <arrived warehouse>